i Saluti: Paper or Electrons? (Please read this note from newsletter editors, Janet & Rich Hirsch)
At the November planning meeting, the Club decided to offer National AROC members and i Saluti subscribers the option of receiving i Saluti in either a paper or electronic (PDF) format.
The purpose of offering an electronic version of i Saluti (the "e-edition") is to save the St Louis Alfa Club money and the editors some effort.
To receive the e-edition of i Saluti, simply send an email to Janet (alfagal@charter.net) with subject or message saying "I want to receive the electronic version of i Saluti."
To continue to receive the paper version by post, do nothing. You will continue to receive the paper format of i Saluti.
If you want both paper and electronic versions, we can do that also -- just let us know.
For subscribers, the paper edition of i Saluti will cost $20/yr and the electronic edition will cost $15/yr.
Advantages of getting the e-edition include getting the e-edition sooner than the paper version and it will be in color.
Finally, in talking to other Alfa newsletter editors, there is a feeling that readers that switch over to an electronic version are less likely to read the newsletter, so make sure it’s what you really want.